These latest findX versions ( & for use with the BS3 cross-linker can be found here (7ppm) and here (20 ppm).
If you're new to findX please view the manual. In order to run findX you must have Python version 2.7.2 installed on your machine.
In this version of findX I have:
- Fixed some bugs in MSMS mode.
- Introduced the possibility to run findX with isotope mixes other than 50%.
- Added a filter based on peak intensities.
- Improved the sensitivity for H12/D12 doublet verification.
- Either a stringent 7 ppm cut-off for doublet verification, or a more loose 20 ppm cut-off.
Please cite: Söderberg et al. (2012) Detection of crosslinks within and between proteins by LC-MALDI-TOFTOF and the software FINDX to reduce the MSMS-data to acquire for validation (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0038927) if you use findX.